©2004  Mike Danzenbaker

This section contains photographs of birds taken in the Bahamas during a one-week visit at the end of April, 2004, by Mike Danzenbaker.

The subjects in every photo are wild and unrestrained.
None of the photos on this site have been manipulated in any way that alters the original scene.  No elements have been added or removed.

You can switch to a different location or category at any time by pressing the button.

View photos of particular species by clicking on the links in the list to the right. If you don’t care about particular species, enter the for a selection of several images.

The list on the right can be displayed in taxonomic order or alphabetical order. Taxonomic order is based primarily on evolutionary relationships. It is most often used by ornithologists, and also with increasing frequency by birders. If you aren’t familiar with that ordering system, you’d be better off switching to alphabetic ordering (the link is in the upper right corner).

Please note that all content on this site is protected by copyright. Unauthorized use is prohibited.