New World Quail  (Odontophoridae)
   Stone Partridge
Ducks, Geese & Swans  (Anatidae)
   Hartlaub's Duck
Ibises, Spoonbills  (Threskiornithidae)
   Hadada Ibis
Herons, Bitterns  (Ardeidae)
   Dwarf Bittern
   Grey Heron
   Black Heron
   Little Egret
   Western Reef Heron
Cormorants, shags  (Phalacrocoracidae)
   Reed Cormorant
Kites, Hawks & Eagles  (Accipitridae)
   African Cuckoo-Hawk
   Bat Hawk
   Yellow-billed Kite
   Palm-nut Vulture
   Hooded Vulture
   Beaudouin's Snake Eagle
   Congo Serpent Eagle
   African Harrier-Hawk
   Red-chested Goshawk
   Black Sparrowhawk
   Lizard Buzzard
   Grasshopper Buzzard
   Red-necked Buzzard
   Wahlberg's Eagle
   Booted Eagle
   Ayres's Hawk-Eagle
Caracaras, Falcons  (Falconidae)
   Common Kestrel
   Fox Kestrel
   Grey Kestrel
   Red-necked Falcon
   African Hobby
   Lanner Falcon
Stone-curlews, Thick-knees  (Burhinidae)
   Senegal Thick-knee
   Spotted Thick-knee
Plovers  (Charadriidae)
   Black-headed Lapwing
   Senegal Lapwing
   African Wattled Lapwing
   American Golden Plover
   Forbes's Plover
Egyptian Plover  (Pluvianidae)
   Egyptian Plover
Jacanas  (Jacanidae)
   African Jacana
Sandpipers, Snipes  (Scolopacidae)
   Little Stint
   Curlew Sandpiper
   Buff-breasted Sandpiper
Coursers, Pratincoles  (Glareolidae)
   Collared Pratincole
   Rock Pratincole
Sandgrouse  (Pteroclididae)
   Four-banded Sandgrouse
Pigeons, Doves  (Columbidae)
   Speckled Pigeon
   Vinaceous Dove
   Laughing Dove
   Black-billed Wood Dove
   Blue-spotted Wood Dove
   Blue-headed Wood Dove
   Namaqua Dove
   Bruce's Green Pigeon
   African Green Pigeon
Parrots  (Psittacidae)
   Red-fronted Parrot
   Senegal Parrot
Turacos  (Musophagidae)
   Guinea Turaco
   Yellow-billed Turaco
   Violet Turaco
   Western Plantain-eater
Cuckoos  (Cuculidae)
   Senegal Coucal
   Blue-headed Coucal
   Blue Malkoha
   Great Spotted Cuckoo
   Levaillant's Cuckoo
   Thick-billed Cuckoo
   Dideric Cuckoo
   Klaas's Cuckoo
   Yellow-throated Cuckoo
   Red-chested Cuckoo
Owls  (Strigidae)
   Greyish Eagle-Owl
   Akun Eagle-Owl
   Pearl-spotted Owlet
   Red-chested Owlet
Nightjars  (Caprimulgidae)
   Plain Nightjar
   Long-tailed Nightjar
   Standard-winged Nightjar
Swifts  (Apodidae)
   Black Spinetail
   Sabine's Spinetail
   Cassin's Spinetail
   Little Swift
   Bates's Swift
Rollers  (Coraciidae)
   Purple Roller
   Abyssinian Roller
   Blue-bellied Roller
   Blue-throated Roller
Kingfishers  (Alcedinidae)
   Chocolate-backed Kingfisher
   Grey-headed Kingfisher
   Blue-breasted Kingfisher
   Woodland Kingfisher
   African Pygmy Kingfisher
   White-bellied Kingfisher
   Pied Kingfisher
Bee-eaters  (Meropidae)
   Blue-headed Bee-eater
   Black Bee-eater
   Little Bee-eater
   Red-throated Bee-eater
   White-throated Bee-eater
   Rosy Bee-eater
Wood Hoopoes  (Phoeniculidae)
   Green Wood Hoopoe
   Black Scimitarbill
Hornbills  (Bucerotidae)
   African Pied Hornbill
   African Grey Hornbill
   Northern Red-billed Hornbill
   Black Dwarf Hornbill
   White-crested Hornbill
   Piping Hornbill
   Brown-cheeked Hornbill
Ground Hornbills  (Bucorvidae)
   Abyssinian Ground Hornbill
African barbets  (Lybiidae)
   Bristle-nosed Barbet
   Naked-faced Barbet
   Speckled Tinkerbird
   Red-rumped Tinkerbird
   Yellow-throated Tinkerbird
   Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird
   Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird
   Double-toothed Barbet
   Yellow-billed Barbet
Honeyguides  (Indicatoridae)
   Yellow-footed Honeyguide
Woodpeckers  (Picidae)
   African Piculet
   Golden-tailed Woodpecker
   Little Green Woodpecker
   Cardinal Woodpecker
   Fire-bellied Woodpecker
   African Grey Woodpecker
   Brown-backed Woodpecker
Wattle-eyes, Batises  (Platysteiridae)
   Senegal Batis
   Fernando Po Batis
   Brown-throated Wattle-eye
   Chestnut Wattle-eye
Helmetshrikes  (Prionopidae)
   White-crested Helmetshrike
   Red-billed Helmetshrike
Bushshrikes  (Malaconotidae)
   Northern Puffback
   Yellow-crowned Gonolek
Cuckooshrikes  (Campephagidae)
   Red-shouldered Cuckooshrike
Shrikes  (Laniidae)
   Yellow-billed Shrike
Figbirds, Orioles  (Oriolidae)
   Western Oriole
   Black-winged Oriole
Drongos  (Dicruridae)
   Square-tailed Drongo
   Velvet-mantled Drongo
Monarchs  (Monarchidae)
   African Paradise Flycatcher
Crows, Jays  (Corvidae)
   Pied Crow
Rockfowl  (Picathartidae)
   White-necked Rockfowl
Fairy Flycatchers  (Stenostiridae)
   African Blue Flycatcher
Penduline Tits  (Remizidae)
   Forest Penduline-Tit
Nicators  (Nicatoridae)
   Western Nicator
Larks  (Alaudidae)
   Sun Lark
   Chestnut-backed Sparrow-Lark
Bulbuls  (Pycnonotidae)
   Slender-billed Greenbul
   Little Greenbul
   Little Grey Greenbul
   Golden Greenbul
   Honeyguide Greenbul
   Spotted Greenbul
   Simple Greenbul
   Swamp Palm Bulbul
   Red-tailed Leaflove
   Red-tailed Greenbul
   Yellow-bearded Greenbul
Swallows, martins  (Hirundinidae)
   Square-tailed Saw-wing
   Fanti Saw-wing
   Red-chested Swallow
   Ethiopian Swallow
   White-bibbed Swallow
   Lesser Striped Swallow
   Red-breasted Swallow
   Preuss's Cliff Swallow
Crombecs, African warblers  (Macrosphenidae)
   Grey Longbill
Cettia bush warblers and allies  (Cettiidae)
   Chestnut-capped Flycatcher
   Green Hylia
   Tit Hylia
Leaf warblers and allies  (Phylloscopidae)
   Western Bonelli's Warbler
   Wood Warbler
Reed warblers and allies  (Acrocephalidae)
   Melodious Warbler
Cisticolas and allies  (Cisticolidae)
   Singing Cisticola
   Rock-loving Cisticola
   Croaking Cisticola
   Dorst's Cisticola
   Short-winged Cisticola
   Tawny-flanked Prinia
   Red-winged Warbler
   Yellow-breasted Apalis
   Black-capped Apalis
   Oriole Warbler
   Yellow-browed Camaroptera
   Senegal Eremomela
   Rufous-crowned Eremomela
Fulvettas, Ground Babblers  (Pellorneidae)
   Rufous-winged Illadopsis
Sylviid Babblers, Parrotbills, Myzornis  (Sylviidae)
   Common Whitethroat
White-eyes  (Zosteropidae)
   African Yellow White-eye
Hyliotas  (Hyliotidae)
   Yellow-bellied Hyliota
   Violet-backed Hyliota
Starlings, Rhabdornis  (Sturnidae)
   Bronze-tailed Starling
   Splendid Starling
   Purple Starling
   Long-tailed Glossy Starling
Thrushes  (Turdidae)
   Fraser's Rufous Thrush
   African Thrush
Chats, Old World Flycatchers  (Muscicapidae)
   Snowy-crowned Robin-Chat
   White-fronted Black Chat
   Blue Rock Thrush
   Fraser's Forest Flycatcher
   Northern Black Flycatcher
   Dusky-blue Flycatcher
   Ussher's Flycatcher
   Grey Tit-Flycatcher
   European Pied Flycatcher
Sunbirds  (Nectariniidae)
   Fraser's Sunbird
   Mangrove Sunbird
   Western Violet-backed Sunbird
   Collared Sunbird
   Reichenbach's Sunbird
   Olive Sunbird
   Buff-throated Sunbird
   Carmelite Sunbird
   Beautiful Sunbird
   Johanna's Sunbird
   Olive-backed Sunbird
Old World Sparrows, Snowfinches  (Passeridae)
   Northern Grey-headed Sparrow
   Bush Petronia
Weavers, Widowbirds  (Ploceidae)
   Speckle-fronted Weaver
   Little Weaver
   Black-necked Weaver
   Orange Weaver
   Village Weaver
   Vieillot's Black Weaver
   Yellow-mantled Weaver
   Maxwell's Black Weaver
   Compact Weaver
   Preuss's Weaver
   Red-vented Malimbe
   Blue-billed Malimbe
   Red-headed Malimbe
   Crested Malimbe
   Red-headed Weaver
Waxbills, Munias & Allies  (Estrildidae)
   Red-fronted Antpecker
   Chestnut-breasted Nigrita
   Red-winged Pytilia
   Black-bellied Seedcracker
   Black-bellied Firefinch
   Bar-breasted Firefinch
   Lavender Waxbill
   Orange-cheeked Waxbill
   Black-rumped Waxbill
   Bronze Mannikin
   Black-and-white Mannikin
Indigobirds, Whydahs  (Viduidae)
   Village Indigobird
Wagtails, Pipits  (Motacillidae)
   Western Yellow Wagtail
   Plain-backed Pipit
Buntings, New World Sparrows & Allies  (Emberizidae)
   Cinnamon-breasted Bunting